🥗National Nutrition Month…..What should I be eating?

I promise you, I’m not making up these months as I feel like it lol

Yes it is National Nutrition Month (originally started as a week in 1973)

The simple answer to the question is whatever best suits your needs.

No two people are the same, whether tall, short, slim, curvy, diabetic vegan, pescatarian the list goes on

For today I’m going to go with the assumption you want healthy choices.

Well below I will outline 4 key points to help you along the way.

Why only 4 you you say…

Well, you would stop reading this post if I gave you hundreds of pages on the different areas of Nutrition.

I will be covering this area though as time goes on such as different dietary types and world foods

Back to my 4 key points for today

See a Dietary Nutritionist

Professional guidance is one of the most undervalued assets in nutrition today

Hundreds of these little qualified minions can help you eat better but they aren’t utilised.

A DN can find out what works best for YOU!!

Not what “my friend tried and did wonders for them but does work for me”

As I said before every person is an individual and must be treated as such.

They will help you find what works best for you and what doesn’t

They will give you a detailed plan tailored to your specific needs.

Last thing on this point….

When looking for one it doesn’t hurt to ask for a qualification as there are cowboys who may give you bad advice

Meal planning

This involves making good health choices and preparing them ahead of time for example Prep on Sunday for Monday to Wednesday meals.

Meal planning isn’t just for prepping at home but also for making good decisions whilst out and about.

It’s easy just to buy a snack whilst out because it’s convenient but a little more challenging to put the extra effort to find a store with the healthier option.

Mix things up

In the spirit of National Nutrition Month try foods from different cultures and different parts of the world

Spice things up as they say

You may find something new to add to your meals permanently

Try some new restaurants if you go out or buy a world cookbook and try making something new

The world is your oyster (not saying you have to eat one)

There is a helpful link below to Eat Right where you can find many nutrition ideas as well as solutions to any physical issue you might be struggling with.



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